If you have any queries regarding this policy or require any information or want to update any contact data etc related to your account please contact us.
Tel:) 02079161831 Email info@indianspiceshops.co.uk
General Data Protection Regulations
Indianspiceshop.co.uk only store the minimum amount of business, address and contact information necessary to deliver orders, maintain customer accounts and generally fulfil our accounting obligations to the Inland Revenue. We DO NOT store any Bank or Card Details on our system. Out of convention, we store whatever courtesy title the customer deems appropriate Mr, Mrs, Miss, MS, Messrs etc. We neither gather nor store any personal information relating to age, race, religion, gender etc.
Indianspiceshop.co.uk does not use cookies to obtain any information about customers or their browsing history, site preferences etc. We use NO tracking mechanisms or any other analytic page elements as the great majority of other websites do. All of the content on our site is hosted on our own private web server. For user privacy and security we do not use any 3rd party resources, html, javascript or image files hosted elsewhere on the web.
Indianspiceshop.co.uk does not share any personal or business information for marketing or any other purposes with any third parties.
Customers are free to inform us of any updates they require to be made to any of their business information, address and contact information by telephone or email. We can also supply detailed information relating to your orders, payments etc should you need it for your accounting and taxation purposes.